8/25: il Padrino
Drinks Inspired by "The Godfather"
Service Description
We don't discuss business at the table.....but we can always talk cocktails! The Godfather. Is there a more iconic movie that is SO rich with characters just begging for us to analyze and make drinks that represent who they were? I love a good movie debate but I think anyone can recognize the impact this piece of cinema has had on American culture. Never saw the movie? Not a problem? Don't know which guy is which? Don't sweat it. Think La Cosa Nostra is a weird, Italian liqueur I put into one of your drinks that one time? Well, that we may need to revisit. Hahaha! Let's embrace all that is the Corleone Family as we joke and laugh and talk all things Godfather (and any other mob movie you might love). Join us for this unique blend of movie history, bad jokes by your's truly, and mixology (of course!) as we celebrate this cinematic touchpoint and say "Salute!" to this classic.